Amy Hartley
Project Manager
Contact Info
ahartley@rodanbuilders.comAmy Hartley, a Project Manager for Rodan Builders, appreciates the value Rodan places on forming strong relationships with both clients and subcontractors. She is very grateful to have a career that allows one to see the direct results of the work that’s put in. Before diving in at Rodan, Amy gained experience in project management in both construction and solar power fields. She also holds certifications in CDT, LEED AP, and CIT.
Amy enjoys getting to spend time with her husband, Aaron, and their three children, Maegan, Dylan, and Dane. Her hobby has been collecting dollhouse miniatures since she was five years old, and she has several houses that are either completed or currently in progress. An avid music-lover, Amy has been to over 1,000 concerts in her lifetime, but she also appreciates having downtime to read and do yoga. Amy’s favorite quote is from the ever-wise Yoda who states, “Do or do not. There is no try.”